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Welcome to the Marquette Taekwon-Do School


The Marquette TaeKwon-Do School was established in fall of 1971 and is one of the oldest schools in the state of Michigan. We have a long tradition of excellent instructors and a strong foundation for future years. Classes are held at 1310 South Front St. Marquette, MI




Martial Arts is not just for the young. 

It is never too late to start learning, no matter how old you are or your physical limitations.



Respect to instructors and
other students is essential. 

We do encourage family
participation, but please keep
in mind that this is not a
babysitting service.

History of Marquette TaeKwon-Do School Directors

All of the below-mentioned school personnel are USTF members and instructors.


       Director                                                   From                                        To                                            Length

Bruce Remington (Founder)                    September 1971                               April 1972                                      8 Months

Dan Oja                                                         May 1972                                May 1993                                       21 Years

Lloyd Luedeman                                             June 1993                               June 1997                                        4 Years

John Schulz                                                     July 1997                               April 2000                                2 Years 10 months

Doug LaBar                                                     May 2000                          October 2001                                     1 1/2 Years

John Schulz                                            November 2001                       December 2001                                      2 Months                 

Rick Meyers/Chuck Giotto                            January 2002                       December 2002                                         1 Year

Chuck Giotto                                              January 2003                                   Present

Bruce Remington, founder of the school, returned in the fall of 1972 to help but was sent to Iron Mountain to student teach as part of his NMU schooling.


Dan Oja V Dan was the Michigan State Director. He was the Region 5 Director prior to Master Weiss and Mr. Van Hecke. He is still an active part of Marquette TaeKwon-Do.


John Schulz III Dan was a Michigan Co-Director.


Rick Meyers and Chuck Giotto were Co-Directors in 2002.


Chuck Giotto IV Dan has been a member of the school since spring of 1993 and is presently the Michigan Co-Director.

This school is affiliated with the United States Taekwon-Do Federation.  Click here to visit the USTF Region 3 website.

​© 2013 Marquette TaeKwon-Do

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